Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Gummy Bear


Look what we did on our honeymoon! I know that I told you already but I wanted to show you the very first picture that we have of our offspring. Mil says it looks like a gummy bear. She's also told us that we should get a t-shirt for the little guy/girl that says "Made In Costa Rica". Good idea for a baby shower gift. Joey called it a peanut. I'm thinking that there's something wrong with it's head. It's bulbous. It looks large to me. But I'm no doctor. We'll know more in 9 weeks-at least sex-wise. I'll be sure and drop you a line.



Anonymous said...

It's so cute! Congratulations!

Paul said...

Thanks, Rachel. I think that it favors it's dad but maybe I'm reaching.

Kaleigh said...

Hooray for sonograms! I hope the next 30 weeks just fly by!